How does it work?
When building land drains or water attenuation systems, problems can occur when the surrounding soil mixes with the aggregate (such as gravel or hardcore), or even enters the drain or void itself. This will make drainage systems inefficient and reduce their capacity. Part of the Product That Works range from Growtivation, Draintex is a geotextile fabric made of polypropylene fibres known for their durability, strength and flexibility, which can separate the aggregate or hardcore from the soil but allow water to pass through and drain away easily. Polypropylene is also highly resistant to chemical damage so Draintex geotextile fabric is expected to last up to 25 years in natural soils without suffering from oxidation. It is the durability and flexibility of the material that makes it so effective and easy to use in a wide number of applications.
How to use Draintex
Draintex is a vital component when constructing land drainage solutions for landscaping projects, both domestic and commercial. Users can wrap the fabric around soakaway and water attenuation crates to allow water to pass through but stop other materials clogging up the crates. Builders, landscapers and DIYers can also use the material for lining French drains. These are constructed by digging a trench, lining it with Draintex, placing shingle or gravel at the bottom, placing a perforated pipe along the length of the trench, filling the rest of the trench with gravel and covering it with soil. This can then be topped with grass or more topsoil if required. Using Draintex in this application will ensure that water can drain freely from the soil, through the shingle and away down the pipe without soil permeating the drain and blocking it.
Who uses Draintex?
Draintex’s high quality and ease of use means that anyone looking for high performance drainage and ground stabilisation properties can use it including builders, landscapers, groundworkers, civil engineers and DIY enthusiasts. Users of DIY online forums recommend it when creating driveways and pathways for homes and gardens. It can also be used anywhere that long-lasting and effective land drainage and ground stabilisation is essential.
For more information on Draintex and a list of stockists, visit our website or call 0800 197 8885.